Andalo. View over the Lake Garda

This webcam captures about 10 Italian comunes situated in close proximity to the large Lake Garda. The lakes of Cavedine and di Tobline, which also can be seen on our picture, seem to be tiny in comparison with the giant basin of the Lake Garda.

The webcam is installed on the summit of a mountain, located on the territory of a popular Italian Ski Resort Paganella Ski. Ski lifts are connecting the upper point of the resort with the nearby villages of Andalo and Santel. The neighbouring mountains of Fausior and Paganella are famous for its orienteering trails (the first one), and for its ski slopes (the second one).

The municipality of Andalo is one of the richest in the province of Trento. It has modern tourist infrastructure and numerous hotels and accommodation facilities to satisfy any kind of requirement, as well as many sports facilities. Skiers are offerd 2 lifts that start near the centre of town and providing an effortless way to start a day on the beautiful local slopes. In the summer time Andalo attracts enthusiasts of mountain biking, hiking and just lovers of a relaxing walk in the green parks.

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