Abersoch. Porth Neigwl Beach



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The camera at Cilan Head is directed towards the beach of Porth Neigwl, a popular surfing spot in Wales. If you like the view of this beach from the cape, you can easily rent one of the guest houses for 600-700 pounds a week.

The cape is also a place of archaeological excavations. Tools of the middle Stone Age (Mesolithic) were found there. Another extreme activity at Cape Cilan Head is rock climbing. Steep cliffs lead to the Irish Sea; the cliffs excite mounting climbers.

The beach, which you can see in the background, is named after the Bay of Porth Neigwl. This bay, located between two high capes, resembles a giant mouth. Sailors named this bay “Hell’s Mouth” or “Mouth of Hell”.

The seven-kilometer beach stretches along the coast of the Soch River. There are several campsites and mini-hotels where surfers stop.

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