Heiligenblut am Großglockner. Mount Grossglockner

The camera on Mount Freiwandeck is directed towards Grossglockner and Pasterze glacier. It is often used by scientists to observe the snow cover, landslides and avalanches. By the way, Lawinensicherung panels were built on the slopes of Freiwandeck in order to protect the small Austrian village from avalanches and rock falls.

Have a look at Grossglockner. On the left, you can see the highest point of the mountain, situated at an altitude of 3798 meters. Unlike other Austrian mountains, Grossglockner is famous, not for its ski resort, but for its mountain road, along which you can travel not only on foot but also by car. Nearly a million tourists travel here every year!

Lower, you can see Pasterze glacier. The glacier length reduces annually by 10 meters and its total volume halved during 150 years of observations. So, lovers of natural attractions should hurry if they want to see the glacier in all its glory.

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