Leutasch. Community Panorama

The village of Leutasch is 40 kilometers to the northwest of Innsbruck, near the German border. A panoramic camera is installed here. Leutasch looks like a typical Austrian village — there are no ski slopes. The camera is installed there because Leutasch is one of the sports centers of Tyrol, where a huge number of cross-country skiing routes are laid.

Leutasch consists of 23 smaller settlements, where 2,300 people live — 100 inhabitants per village. The first mention of this place is associated with the eponymous river. A document of the 13th century describes a church built near the banks of the Leutasch River.

The village was plundered many times during the medieval wars. The Thirty Years’ War, the military invasion of the Bavarian troops in Tyrol, in 1703, and even the Napoleonic Army went through these places in 1805.

Now, the village is a popular holiday destination with not only skiers, but in the summer, there are guided tours of the mountains and meadows around the community.

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