Bystrice pod Hostynem. Czechoslovak Brigade Street

Czechoslovak Brigade Street (Čs brigády.) is one of the central streets of the Czech town of Bystřice pod Hostýnem. It is located between Masaryk Square and the intersection of Rusavská Havlíčkova and Hostýnská. The camera is installed in the house №108 and shows us the traffic on the street, as well as Denní Bar U Hanuša.

Městský Park is nearby. In the park, you can find an outdoor pool, paths laid between the trees, a playground, as well as a universal playground, where you can play football, tennis, volleyball or hockey. The park is a favorite vacation spot of town people.

Tourists who visit the Bystřice pod Hostýnem, will pass the street, for sure, because it is located between two main attractions, the castle and the pilgrimage hill of Holy Hostýn.

The buildings, which you see on the screen, are periodically painted in different colors. For example, the blue house is next to the pink and yellow building.

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