Kalkan. Hotel Villa Korsan
We can see a panorama of the bay in the prestigious Turkish resort of Kalkan. Since most of the local population is from the United Kingdom, the tourist sphere in Kalkan is oriented to tourists from Western Europe. The prices are corresponding, so you can’t find cheap all-inclusive hotels here.
The camera is installed in one of the villas of Korsan, which in addition to accommodation, offers tourists a couple of restaurants with traditional and modern cuisine. On the screen, we can see the resort’s bay, as well as a high cape. Villa Korsan is located in the western part of the resort.
In addition to excellent hotels and restaurants, Kalkan has beautiful sandy beaches. In the center of the resort, there is a public beach next to the marina, and in the eastern suburbs, you can relax on the Kaputaş beach. The ideal sand, 7 kilometers from Kalkan, is surrounded by high cliffs. You can have a look at the deep narrow canyon near the beach, and swim to the island of Sarybalen Adasa by the sea.