Syracuse. Syracuse Hancock International Airport
This is an airport in American Syracuse, or rather in the city of Syracuse, which can easily be confused with the Italian resort. But, it is not Sicily; it is the outskirts of the city in Onondaga. Three cameras show different parts of Syracuse Hancock International Airport. This airport has the abbreviation SYR in the International Air Transport Association.
The first airport in Syracuse was built just before the Second World War, in the late 1920s. It used to deliver the post and show flights of famous American pilots.
The modern airport was built in 1949. There used to be only three runways. The development of aviation in this district of the United States was greatly influenced by the mayor of the city. In 2004, he started an active campaign, on television and radio, to attract investment in the airport and reduce the tariffs. And, the airport became successful. Since 2004, the passenger traffic has exceeded 1 million people per year.
The most popular destinations are Chicago (142,000 passengers in 2015), New York (131,000) and Atlanta (129,000).